Her er følger et uddrag af sælgers beskrivelse af bilen:
- Over the last 23 or so years it has undergone a full and comprehensive restoration with just about every replaceable part replaced or refurbished. It has been tastefully updated and enhanced and is now a practical useable car. The amount of money and time spent is incomprehensible.
- New headlamp shells/headlamps and rims with modern H4 halogen fittings, New sidelight/indicators, genuine BL item as original. New rear lights (ford 1600E items) number plate light and reversing lights.
- New galvanised bonnet subframe with fully adjustable rose jointed hinges (this is a weak point on unrestored M series cars as they rot badly) The front wiring harness has been fitted with a waterproof multi-plug making bonnet removal a 5 minute job.
- Engine re-built to roughly Mexico spec,with lightened flywheel, ballanced crank, duplex timing gear, standard Ford GT cam, dual valve springs, alloy rocker box, bored to 1698cc and fitted with high compression pistons (around 10:1 if i remember correctly) runs well on unleaded with fuel additive. Stands at around 105 Bhp with room for improvement.
- New Weber twinchoke downdraught carb and KN filter. Full custom fabricated stainless steel exhaust system with proprietory 4:2:1 stainless steel extractor manifold.
- Ford type 9, 5 speed gearbox fitted, with custom propshaft. Gives much improved power delivery and comfortable cruising speed over the original Bullitt box. New 3 part clutch also fitted.
- 5 original M series wheels, fully refurbished with new Goodyear Eagle 195/65/R15 tyres.
- Front calipers uprated with AP Lockheed 4 pot calipers from a mid 60`s TVR Griffith 200, mega rare items in their own right and give exceptional stopping performance.
- Custom fabricated aluminium fuel tank fitted with one piece copper fuel lines, eliminating the in cabin petrol smell that blights these cars.
- Mountney dished steering wheel, giving enhanced leg room.
- The chassis is 100% rot free although there is some surface rust in places. It was sand blasted, repaired and painted by me in the early 90`s and although still very good its not aesthetically pleasing. Every item of rubber on the chassis, ie suspension bushes, diff mounts, engine mounts etc are all new. I fitted brand new Spax adjustable coil overs and springs about 2 years ago and they are still as new. New wheel bearings all round. All new ball joints, track rod ends etc.
- Diff re-built, new U/J`s all round on IRS (triumph 4.1:1 ratio)
- Modern cross flow radiator adapted and fitted with one off electric fan with manual override.
- I had the interior professionally re-trimmed with new carpets, new head-lining, sound deadening throughout, Original seats, dash capping and door liners re-trimmed in light grey leather.
- The car has its original glass front and rear screens and the rear has its (fully working) factory fitted heater.
- The only thing that lets this car down is the paint-work, at face value its good, more than acceptable for a car of its age. The problems is that the paint is thin and brittle and damages easily.
Den ser fandeme lækker ud Morten.
SvarSletOg sådan en Crossflow er bestemt ikke nogen dårlig motor. Den der lå i Ulriks Seven lavede vist over 150 hk og den lød suverænt.
Ja ikke også ?? Jeg er ellevild for at få fingre i sådan en 1600M - har selv youtube'et Crossflow - og JA - de kan sagtens lyde både sprødt og godt. Og så indebærer indgangsmodellen en del fordele, bl.a.:
SvarSlet- den er billigere i indkøb, drift og at tune
- køreegenskaberne er bedre, end i fx en 3000M med Essex motor
- den er mere sjælden end 3000M og 2500M
- det er plug'n'play at montere en 5-trins gearkasse fra en Ford Sierra
Endnu en ting er også at en Ford Type 9 5 trins gearkasse fungerer fantastisk. De tager ca. 150-160 heste uden modificationer.
SvarSletDet var sådan en der lå i min Rush, og den skiftede super lækkert.
Indrømmet, den er faktisk ganske fin, og argumentet med at den kører bedre end de sekscylindrede er da fint.
SvarSletMeeeen...jeg tror nu stadig jeg vil foretrække det overlegne moment fra den store Essex, for slet ikke at tale om lyden.
Ja - der er jo masser af gode argumenter for en 3000M - pointen er blot, at en 1600M også kan blive interessant. Jeg er lidt splittet mellem de to - men for mig kunne en lille letbenet og hidsig crossflow godt være det rigtige valg, for en M-serie bliver, så vidt jeg kan læse mig til aldrig nogen komfortabel tourer...